There are only two places. New York and everywhere else

About 2NYC

2NYC  – eMotion Learning 

New York City as your classroom!

2NYC “eMotion Learning” is an innovative method to improve your English in a non-conventional and non-didactical way. You will be immersed into the authentic New York culture, discovering what "The Big Apple" truly is. This real life, experience will have you in touch with the true New York from a New Yorker perspective.

2NYC organizes 1 to 1 tutoring sessions with native New Yorkers as tutors, while customizing intensity and duration of the program to your wants and needs.

You will be walking through the East Village with Tamara, a native East Villager, or visiting a Chelsea gallery with Patrice, whom is fond of Art. You may also join Stella, a jazz singer from Brooklyn, discovering the coolest Brooklyn neighborhoods and hangouts. You will use the language as a tool to explore the real face of the City and, at the same time, have New York as a passionate and fascinating motivation to improve the comprehension and use of your English.

It will be a cultural and linguistic experience impossible to repeat anywhere else!

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